Eco friendly, safe and organic feed supplement which is given along with the drinking water of the animal (Poultry, Cattle, Piggery, Horses) helps digestive process.
It is a feed supplement which is given along with the drinking water of the animal.
The benefits of Maple EM1 Pashuamrut for are as follows:
No earthy smell.
Decreases skin problems in animal.
Improves feed conversion ratio.
Maple EM improves the digestive process in animal.
Suppresses stomach related diseases.
Maple EM suppresses foul odour in Live stock shed and animal waste.
With useful microorganisms Maple EM converts animal waste into the compost .
Menace of flies and mosquitoes leads to the minimal by application of this technology.
It can work in any condition.
Maple EM is safe for animal health.
It improves animal fecundity.
Continuous usage of Maple EM lowers the requirement of regular medicines, antibiotics and disinfectants; hence it helps to reduce the cost of production.
Meat, milk and egg produced are in better quality and quantity.